Original Artist Tracks

Tracks on FitMixPro are by the Original Artists - no karaoke versions here! If you do use cover versions for your group fitness music, please give an Original Artist mix a try - you won't go back! The feedback you'll get from your class will probably be the best you've ever had, and may lead to better retention rates!

A quick note on Radio Edits - Some fit pros have misunderstood the term 'Radio Edit' - a Radio edit is not a cover version of an Original Artist track. It's usually about 3 mins 30 secs and is the most popular single version of the song. It uses the original vocals from the original artist.

There may be other versions as well which are from the original artist - for example a track may have an Album version, and dance tracks usually have different remixes.

We tag which versions are in 32 Count, suitable for choreography used by most fitness instructors. In each case the track will feature the vocals from the original artist. If you use a different music service and are in doubt have a listen - it's easy to hear the difference!

On FitMixPro, if you want to hear how 2 original artist tracks sound mixed from one to the next, just click Mix Demo and the Auto DJ will prepare the mix transition for you.

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*Terms and conditions apply. All music by the ORIGINAL ARTISTS and copyright the respective rights holders. FitMix Pro is a music service for fitness professionals. Using our patented AutoDJ, fit pros create custom mixes for their classes - just choose your tracks and click Mix It! The AutoDJ mixes tracks seamlessly in 32 count format for choreography to go with freestyle routines.
© Higher House Productions Ltd, UK Registered Company No. 5001955. All rights reserved.
Powered by CAMMS (Computer Aided Music Mixing System). Patented. Fit Mix Pro is a registered trade mark.


BASKET: £2.78
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